L CONCEPT 提供全方位的整合營銷和傳訊服務,為客戶制定最有效的內容,透過最適合的多元渠道,將品牌訊息準確地傳遞予指定的目標受眾。
我們在營銷策略規劃、活動概念設計、市場營銷方案、活動策劃及體驗營銷內容、社交媒體管理及營運、公關服務,以至創意設計方案及影視制作方面,均擁有專業知識及豐富經驗,為客戶提供最適合的市場營銷及傳訊方案,為品牌增值以及提升銷售。 我們的優質服務和為品牌所帶來的成效均獲得客戶廣泛的認可。
“The overall services including event management, public relations and creative solution are excellent, and the advice and support by your helpful and professional team was outstanding.
As an Asia debut, there are no past reference can be used to refer to. However, L CONCEPT had done the great job on every detail and provide professional suggestion to us promptly. L CONCEPT team’s efforts contributed to the high traffic flow for the event and even the good reputation and image of BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment which our team are very satisfied with the results.”
For the project of influencers communication, L CONCEPT has always provides professional advice and suggestions to us in order to maximizing the results of engagement on social media. Also, as the go-between for us and influencers, L CONCEPT has always takes care of all our requests and comments, promptly communicating with them, as well as the outcomes are always outstanding.
In the past 2 years, the advice and creative ideas on organizing car launches, car shows, and different marketing campaigns are very helpful and professional. Thanks for the arrangement for all appointed projects, they all achieve great success.
“We are pleased by all arrangements, events, creative solutions and promotional strategies arranged by your company. I’d like to compliment to L CONCEPT team for the excellent service and advice.
The exhibition area is at the basement that relatively low traffic which is a big challenge for the event. However, your team still achieved very good result through multi channels that totally drive traffic for the mall and also the exhibition. Everyone, even the top management of shopping mall, was in praise of the arrangements.
We all are proud of this successful event and thank you for the professionalism. Look forward to more such occasions.”